
Source of Information

Jaintirth.in is covering information about various Jain Pilgrimage Centers (Jain Tirths) spread in India, including jain art, culture, history.

In Jaintirth.in we are availing information like name of jain tirth, type of jain tirth e.g. Atishay or Siddha Kshetra (place of Miracle or Salvation), complete postal address with phone no, email address and website (if applicable), distance from nearby well known cities or towns, detail of managing committee, chairperson and secretary of managing committee with address, phone no, email.

Jaintirth.in also including information about Jain Pilgrimage centers (Jain TirthKshetras) like History, Time, Relation with historical persons (Tirthankars or others), Natural Scenario, Main Temples, Idols and Places. Photos related with Main Temple, MoolnayakPratima (Principal Deity Idol), and covering entire area etc are also available.

Jaintirth.in also covers information regarding lodging & boarding facilities available at Jain Pilgrimage Centers e.g. rest houses or dharmashala, no. of rooms of various categories and facilities, mess facility or bhojanshala. We also cover information like Means of Approach, By Road (Bus, Car etc.), By Train, By Air to reach Pilgrimage Center easily and also cover nearby natural, historical, religious and famous places, so that visitors can utilize their tour up to the maximum extent.

Source of Information

After visiting to many major jain tirths specifically covering almost Gujarat , Maharashtra, Bihar we have been inspired to develop this site and provide all possible information about the jain tirths along with our practical experiences gained during our stay. We have also used various books and literature and web based knowledge available about Jain Pilgrimage, Historical Persons, Art, Culture and History for collecting information provided.

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