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Panch Kalyanak

Panch Kalyanak

Jains celebrate five major events in the life of a Tirthankar. They are called Panch Kalyanak (auspicious events).Panch Kalyanaka are the five chief auspicious events that are believed to occur in the life of tirthankara in Jainism.They are commemorated as part of many Jain rituals and festivals.

These auspicious life events are as below -

❋ Chyavana Kalyanak

This is the event when the Tirthankar's soul departs from its last life, and is conceived in the mother’s womb.

❋ Janma Kalyanak

This is the event when the Tirthankar's soul is born.

❋ Diksha Kalyanak

This is the event when the Tirthankar's soul gives up all his/her worldly possessions and becames a monk/nun. (Digambar sect does not believe that women can become Tirthankar or be liberated.)

❋ Kevaljnana Kalyanak

This is event when Tirthankar’s soul destroys the four ghati karmas completely and attains the Kevaljnana (absolute knowledge). This is the most important event for the entire Jain order as the Tirthankar reinstates Jain Sangh and preaches the Jain path of purification and liberation.

❋ Nirvana Kalyanak

This event is when a Tirthankar’s soul is liberated from this worldly physical existence forever and becomes a Siddha. On this day, the Tirthankar’s soul destroys the four aghati karmas completely, and attains salvation, the state of eternal bliss.

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